Friday, August 1, 2008

What I should be reading while I'm waiting...

After thinking about it, I decided whining about the dearth of output from my favorite authors wasn't going to help...(sometimes I hate being an adult...)

So, what haven't I read? I all ready mentioned the aborted attempts at reading the Foundation novels.

-most of Harry Harrison's alternate history stuff. I read "Guns off the South" a long time ago, but when he got started on this latest binge, I was reading other things...

-Fred Saberhagen's "Berserker" novels. I think I read one of these once, but it didn't make enough of an impression at the time to keep me interested. Maybe it's an age thing...maybe I was too young to appreciate it...maybe I'll have to check into it...

-I'm gonna get hate mail for this...Philip K. Dick. Sorry, he just never did it for me...I didn't even read "Do Andriods Dream of Electric Sheep" after Bladerunner came out. I know he was a seminal influence and one of the greats, but during his heyday, I was too young and then when I got older, there were other things I wanted to read...

-The early stories and novels of Sir Arthur C Clarke. I loved Rama...I loved 2001 et al, but I never read The City and the Stars or Childhood's End...

-Back in the day, a lot of authors only wrote short stories for the magazines like Analog, Argosy and Asimov's Science Fiction. There wasn't the market for novel length stuff like there is now...I missed a lot of good stuff that is only starting to come out in Marion Zimmer Bradley's "Darkover" series, a bunch of Andre Norton's Witch World, L. Sprague DeCamp, Lin Carter, Karl Edward Wagner...there's a bunch...

There are some wide modern gaps, William Gibson...actually, I haven't read much cyperpunk...Jaquline Carey's "Kushiel" books...Robert Aspirin's "Myth" books...

I could go on...but what I should do, since I've decided not to whine anymore, is head out to the used book store and get something to read...

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